What are the key aspects that should be kept on mind while setting up jira server for any user/clien

Priyanka February 11, 2020

What are the key aspects that should be kept on mind while setting up jira server for any user/client?

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Iago Docando
Rising Star
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February 12, 2020

Great question!

This might be quite subjective and case dependent but I would probably run a checklist similar to this one:

  1. What's the intended use? software development, service desk,  general tasks progress tracking, project management, all of the above...?
  2. Does this customer really need Jira? Jira is very usefull even in the case that you're running it only to keep track of your own tasks as a contractor with no aditional employees but in this particular case the customer could also probably be just fine without jira and if he has any problem to addapt to the new tool he's very likely to just stop using it.
  3. Is the jira going to be an internal tool or is it going to be open to the general public?
  4. Can the customer afford the licence for the user tier that he would need? Jira server for 10 users cost 10$ that go to a non profit but if your customer needs 11 users he will have to pay 3500$ upfront. So... you would have to take a look at tier breaks and sell your customer on the advantages of the investment if he needs help deciding
  5. Where will be the server located? even if it is the server version you can allways get cloud storage space and run it there. The advantage of having more likely than not an availiability of 99,9% is great but if the data managed by jira will be extremely sensitive you might want to run your own internal server on premises.
  6. Is the customer going to have access to a user with admin rights once the installation is done or are you allways going to be the admin? If he is going to change things left and right the moment you leave you don't need to think too much about the future. Simply get it going over a solid infraestructure and that's it.

Once you have figured those out, and particulary in the case where you'll be the admin, yo need to:

  1. Define every issuetype needed (plus context for each one)
  2. Create the most convenient workflows for every actor involved.
  3. Define what information would be great to have stored in its own custom field (in order to better search and/or to export) and what can be simply put in a description, commentaries, etc
  4. In general, customize the installation to your customer needs. This includes not simply the previous aspects but also:
    • integration with other systems (through jira apps or otherwise)
    • create custom dashboards so each actor has easy access to relevant information for him: graphs, issuelists, logged time...
    • less important things

Well... there are so many things to consider... I have probably forgotten about half of them :P Anyways, I hope this checklist can be of any help to you.


Best of luck.

Humberto Gomes
Rising Star
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February 12, 2020

Please do not forget "permission" and Security schemes.

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