What are the different ways of using JIRA as Risk/Issue/Continuous Improvement Logging tool?

eustacioc December 19, 2012


I want to use JIRA to log/track risks and issues including continuous improvement items in Agile Methodology.
Here are some of the information I have gathered from my team and would like to get your inputs.

1) Use Labels
2) Use Components
3) Use Sub-task in Spike
4) Prepend the word Risk / Issue when creating a ticket.

NO plug-ins (e.g. Jira Risk Management from jPlugs) suggestions please.
Thanks for your time.

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Community Leader
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December 19, 2012

Labels and components can help, but your best bet is a completely new issue type, at the top level (not a sub-task)

The reason is simple - risks very rarely affect a single issue, they usually have a potential impact on many issues, or even an entire project. So you create them as distinct things in their own right and then link the affected issues to them to represent "there is a risk to this". You then also get the benefits of having fields and workflows that are risk orientated without having to pollute your main isssues with them

I'd think about adding a sub-task of risk as well, if you do want to track risks that only affect single issues.

I'd also consider setting up risk projects (linking still works), if you have risks that affect several projects at a time.

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Craig Schwarze _ProjectBalm_
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
July 16, 2015

With regards to Risk, may I recommend Risk Register by ProjectBalm to you? It is solid, has an attractive interface (including a risk matrix) and is very reasonably priced. It also comes with an online manual that takes you through the whole risk management process step by step. It is also actively being supported.

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