WebHook Event problem

Dominik August 17, 2017


Fired WebHook is not received at RequestBin

Can't find the problem, why the webhook isn't able to run



JIRA Software 7.3.8

Running on a vserver

also using a proxy in the network



I've already done the diagnosis part 5 of the following link:


So in my log file I can see

2017-08-17 10:37:36,056 Web-Hook-Publisher-0 DEBUG USER 585x1337x1 AA.BBB.CC.DDD /rest/greenhopper/1.0/sprint/3 [c.a.webhooks.plugin.PublishTaskFactoryImpl$PublishTaskImpl] Posting to web hook at 'http://requestb.in/1ehmfhr1?user_id=USER&user_key=USER', body is:
{"timestamp":1502959056056,"webhookEvent":"sprint_created","sprint":{"id":4,"self":"http://NAME/rest/agile/1.0/sprint/4","state":"future","name":"Sprint 1","originBoardId":1}}

after creating a sprint (my event).

But RequestBin doesn't receive any requests.

By clicking on the link in the admin panel, the request to RequestBin returns "OK"


Webhook configuration:



Any Idea what the problem could be?

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Thomas Deiler
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January 17, 2019

Dear @Dominik,

just to be sure, it's not a firewall issue. Have you tried

telnet requestb.in 80

on command line of your Jira server?

So long


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