Way to switch to next person in Board View?

Saeed Hojjati
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April 22, 2024

Hi! Our team uses the Board View on Jira for running stand-ups. We use the person avatar icons at the top-left to filter the tickets by each person as they give their stand-up updates.

Currently, after selecting each person, we have to click that person again to clear the filter and then click on the next person.

Would be nice if there were a "Next" button that combined those actions in one step.

1. Is there a workaround way to have that functionality in Jira (clear the existing person filter and filter by the next person in one click)?

2. How can we submit a feature request to the Jira team for this to be added?

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Trudy Claspill
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April 22, 2024

Hello @Saeed Hojjati 

Welcome to the Atlassian community.

That functionality does not already exist, and I don't know of any workaround to create it.

If you are not already using Swimlanes for your board, you could set the Swimlanes/Group By to Assignee, and then run through your standup by Assignee from top to bottom (or bottom to top).

If you want to submit a change request, you could have your Jira Administrators open a support request to submit that CR to Atlassian. 

Saeed Hojjati
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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April 26, 2024

Yeah the problem is in "running through the standup by Assignee". 
When filtering by assignee, we have to click the same assignee again to cleat that filter and then click the next assignee. Ideally, we'd like to have a "next" button that just rotates through the assignees and filters by each one.

Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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April 26, 2024

As I said, that functionality doesn't exist. If you want to submit a change request, have your Jira Administrator open a support case at https://support.atlassian.com/contact/#/

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