Velocity Chart report does not show historical data

Deleted user November 26, 2018

Velocity Chart report does not show historical data,

Other reports are populated correctly. The issue here is not having the issues assigned to a sprint and release, or reopening the sprint.

$3A2D1AA7566C3A7B.jpgCould you kindly help


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Andy Heinzer
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 28, 2018

The velocity chart is not actually taking a snapshot of your data when sprints are started/ended like some other agile reports can do (sprint report does this).   Instead, when you load the velocity report, it is pulling the issues that match the board filter in question to see which issues are in the specific sprints.  As such, it is possible for you to alter or manipulate this chart after a sprint closes to modify which issues exist in that sprint.  

But I believe this is because of the way the velocity report is built.   I could understand if you thought this was based on historic data taken at specific intervals, but it actually isn't designed to do that.  This chart is designed to pull the data it has in Jira at the time the report is loaded and generate this info on the fly.   There is more information on how this chart works in Velocity Chart - Jira Software Documentation

As such, reopening a sprint I would expect to have this remove/change that data point since the sprint is now open once again.

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