Validation in the sprint active

Laura Valencia September 30, 2024


Good morning, I need to ask how I can place a validation so that an issue in a "Backlog or Refinement" state cannot be placed in the active sprint. Or conversely, in the active sprint, issues in "Backlog" or "Refinement" status are not allowed. Context: the flow we have established is Backlog, Refinement, To Do, in Progress, Blocking, quality and done. How could I apply said validation?

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Trudy Claspill
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September 30, 2024

Hello @Laura Valencia 

Natively there is not a process that can be used to prevent the addition of an issue to a sprint, based on the issue's status or the sprint's status.

You could use an Automation Rule to detect that the Sprint field has been updated, and react to the change after it has been made. The rule could check if the issue is now part of a future or active sprint and in one of the specified statuses. You could then send an email to a specified person to remove the issue from the sprint.

Alternately it may be possible to add steps within the rule to automatically remove it from that sprint. I have not worked out the details on exactly how to do that.

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