Using Jira to conduct audits

Dylan Hume
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June 4, 2019


I am completely new to Jira, and to software like it. I am looking for something capable of creating and storing checklists to perform audits against. The checklist will contain yes or no questions the user will respond to. 


What I need is:

1) The ability to define custom workflows that will walk a user through set paths of questions, and the user will indicate the outcome of each question.

2) I then need the outcome of all the questions to be saved and accessible in an easy to view format.

3) Lastly, I need user input as to the type of audit that is performed (i.e. what processes they will be reviewing, what documents they are referencing, etc) that will create the path/workflow of specific questions they need responses, pulling from a larged saved set of questions. 


Is Jira something that could satisfy these requirements, and if so, which Jira product is best for me. If this is confusing and doesn't make sense I apologize and would be happy to clarify anything 

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Mikael Sandberg
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June 4, 2019

Hi Dylan,

Welcome to the Atlassian Community.

You could do this in Jira, and Jira Core should be sufficient for your use case. There are apps on the Marketplace that allows you to create checklists in Jira. Another option might be to use Confluence Server together with Comala Checklist and Comala Workflow.

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