Upload multiple initiatives to a project rather than individually

Dale Logan
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July 5, 2024

I looked for an automation so that each time I create a 'Project' then specific 'Initiatives' would be created within that project saving me a lot of set up time for each project but I could not find a pre-set. 

So, my question is, is there a way for me to upload my list of 'Initiatives' in one go to a new project to save me adding them individually? 


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Trudy Claspill
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July 5, 2024

Hello @Dale Logan 

Welcome to the Atlassian community.

How many Initiatives do you need to add to each newly created project? Is every Initiative populated with unique information?

With an Automation rule you could use the Create Issue action 64 times to create 64 Initiatives, if that is the only action besides the Trigger that you need. Rules are limited to 65 components.

If you have another project that has a "template" set of Initiatives, you could use an Automation Rule with a Lookup Issues action to retrieve those issues, and then use a branch to iterate through those results and clone each issue into the new project. The Lookup Issues action is limited to retrieving 100 issues.

Besides those options a Jira Administrator can use a CSV import process to create issues within a project.

Dale Logan
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July 5, 2024

Hi, thank you for the quick reply here. 

So i want to add only 20 initiatives per new project created. 

I did check through the Automation templates but i could not see anything related to projects being created as the trigger. If possible, could you kindly instruct me what i should look for in particular ? 

Thanks again 

Trudy Claspill
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July 5, 2024

That trigger can be found only when creating a Global Automation Rule, which can be done only by Jira Administrators.

Screenshot 2024-07-05 at 1.43.28 PM.png


If you are trying to create an Automation Rule from the Project Settings page of a specific project, the rule can be applied only to that project. The Project Created rule, obviously, can't be created in the Project Settings for a project that does not yet exist. So it must be created as a Global Automation Rule.

Dale Logan
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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July 5, 2024



That may be my problem then, I can create automations, i tried one earlier but it didnt fix my issue so i disabled it, but as you see here when i search 'Project' nothing shows like yours where it shows a green folder imgjira.png

Trudy Claspill
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July 5, 2024

To get to the location I showed you need Jira Administrator privileges. Then you would navigate to that page thus:

Screenshot 2024-07-05 at 2.04.28 PM.png

If you don't have that level of access, you would need to work with a Jira Admin for your instance to get the rule created.

There is another alternative that you may be able to implement as a user that can create Automation Rules but doesn't have the access above.

You can use the Clone Issue action to clone an issue from one project into another, without creating a Global Automation Rule. If you have a project that has a "template" set of the Initiatives you would want to copy, then you could set up a manually triggered rule in that project. In that rule you could retrieve all the Initiatives with a For Each / Related Issue / JQL branch step, and then use the Clone Issue action inside that branch to clone each issue into the new project.

With a manually triggered rule you can prompt the user for input, asking for the destination project's numeric ID to be entered.

Screenshot 2024-07-05 at 2.09.53 PM.png

The user would have to enter the 5 digit number that is automatically assigned to the new project. It is not the alphanumeric Key that prefixes the issue keys.

Then add a branch step to retrieve all the issues in the current/source/template project from which you triggered the rule. Make sure this box is unchecked

Screenshot 2024-07-05 at 2.15.29 PM.png


Then add the Clone Issue action inside the branch. You'll have to use a smart value to reference the user's input to select the destination project.

Screenshot 2024-07-05 at 2.17.16 PM.png


You'll have to get the numeric ID for the new project after it has been created.

You can do that by using an API endpoint in a browser window:


You have to use your instance's URL and the project key for the new project in place of <yourURL> and <projectKey> respectively.

You can find the ID in the first part of the output:


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