Upgrading Jira 4.3 to 5.x the installer says No direcotry found in the specified location.

Scott Adamcik
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March 28, 2012

When running the auto upgrade package in Linux I get to the point where it identifies the existing install directory, but then it stats that "No directory found in specified location".

I've tried actually typing in the user/local/JIRA/atlassian-jira location and hitting enter but get the same error. I imagine this is somethat that has been seen before but I did not see anything related when I searched the forum.

Any help is greatly appreciated. Here is the output of the install screen so far.

Existing installation directory:


No directory found in specified location

Finishing installation ...


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Danielle Zhu
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March 29, 2012

You will need to locate the JIRA installation directory of your existing installation and enter that when the installer prompt you for "existing installation directory"(http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/JIRA043/JIRA+Installation+Directory). If you are currently using a soft link for your installation directory, make sure you specify the actual physical location.

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