Upgrading JIRA from 4.3.4 to JIRA 5

Hamed Hessam February 23, 2012


Can anyone see some major issues forming if a do a straight upgrade from 4.3.4 to JIRA 5? I know there have been some file changes etc in between (especially in 4.4.x) according to release notes and Atlassion recommends your read them but i don't think they say anywhere not to skip a few versions.

Is this safe?
I'm running only a few projects with 10 users on a MYSQL DB on Linux.

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Jobin Kuruvilla [Adaptavist]
Rising Star
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February 23, 2012

4.3.x to 5.0 can be done directly. Make sure all the plugins and customizations work fine! Also, test it in a test environment ;)

Hamed Hessam February 29, 2012

Thanks Jobin.

Just to expand on this. I installed JIRA without root access on a unix box...when upgrading it suggests that i be admin before proceeding. Is this going to be an issue down the track?

Jobin Kuruvilla [Adaptavist]
Rising Star
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February 29, 2012

It shouldn't be a problem as long as the jira user has full access on the install and hiem directories. In fact, it is advised to use a separate user for JIRA. Not sure why such a warning!

Rumceisz September 25, 2012

Hi Jobin,

Iwill just upgrade version 4.3.4 to 5.1.

Have you got any hints to switch off sg. (plugins, etc.) to avoid any error?

Thanks in advance!


Jobin Kuruvilla [Adaptavist]
Rising Star
Rising Star
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September 26, 2012

It depends on the plugins, really! For example, if you have plugins that uses OpenSymphony User object, it will fail to load. Doing a test upgrade is the best way to find out.

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