Upgrade to 7.13 directories

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December 27, 2018

I have been tasked with upgrade a pre-production server and have no experience with JIRA before now.

In following the directions provided in https://confluence.atlassian.com/adminjiraserver/upgrading-jira-applications-using-the-installer-938846937.html

I selected the option to upgrade as directed in 6.2.a

In section 6.2.b of this document it alludes to the system reporting existing Jira installation dirctory(ies). While I see the default directory /opt/atlassian/jira comes up for the prompt "where should JIRA Software be installed?" The issue becomes by selecting this directory I am greeted with 

"It appears that JIRA is already installed in the directory you selected.  Please choose a different directory."

So please help me understand. The "Upgrade" documentation says nothing about how to handle this nor to move existing installations to other directories or ... et al. What am I do here? Create a new installation?

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Andy Heinzer
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 2, 2019

There are a couple different options here.  You could use the installer to upgrade your existing installation directory.  OR you could use that same installer to create a new installation directory and then copy your settings/changes to it.  Either can work here.  And as long as you have a backup of your data before you start, you should be safe.

I think though that what has happened in your case, is that you actually selected the option for 'new installation' when you thought that you selected the upgrade option.  It's a common misunderstanding because the text based menu for selecting this in the installing has been noted as confusing because the number options appear after the options instead of before.   Since you saw the error of

"It appears that JIRA is already installed in the directory you selected.  Please choose a different directory."

That's a clear indication that the upgrade option in the installer was not actually selected.  There have been other users that have hit this same problem, please see https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JRASERVER-65909 for details.  I believe that in this case, to upgrade an existing install, you would need to select option #3, and then be prompted to select the $JIRAINSTALL directory.

Please let us know if you run into any problems.

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