Updating from the v.4.3.4 of JIRA to the latest version of JIRA

Kerim Öztürk June 7, 2012

What's the latest version of JIRA?

Which way would you prefer ? By uninstalling the old version and installing the latest version of JIRA or by just upgrading to the latest version of JIRA. I want to prevent the data loss and ı want to upgrade without error.

My system is mysql database and windows 2003 server.


2 answers

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Norman Abramovitz
Rising Star
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June 7, 2012


You just need to follow the upgrade guide. Just make sure you make all the backups, I have run into unknnown file/directory locking issues where I needed to restore and try again at a later date on our windows 2003 server.

Also make sure you read the all the upgrade release notes to see if there will be any issues.

Kerim Öztürk June 7, 2012

Thanks for answers.

If I uninstall whole v.4.3.4 and connect to data base after install v.5.0.6, is it right ?

Jobin Kuruvilla [Adaptavist]
Rising Star
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June 7, 2012

Did you read the above notes? Unless you change the server or DB or indexs/attachments path, upgrade utility can be used for 4.3+ to 5.0.

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Jobin Kuruvilla [Adaptavist]
Rising Star
Rising Star
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June 7, 2012

5.06. See the notes for detailed instructions:


Also see all the release notes for individual releases to understand the changes.

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