Unbounded JQL queries are not allowed here. Please add a search restriction to your query

João Vitor Griggio
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January 13, 2025

Boa tarde,

Quando tento buscar os dados por um conector do Excel e Jira recebo o erro da imagem:



Unbounded JQL queries are not allowed here. Please add a search restriction to your query

Conseguem me auxiliar?
(Esta ação sempre funcionou, porém recentemente estive testando coisas novas pra implementar com Power BI e acredito que possa ter alguma influência)


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Aron Gombas _Midori_
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January 14, 2025

Unbounded means that there is no condition in the JQL search that would "limit" its result set. I think adding a dummy condition to the query, something like this, should make the Excel extension happy:

created < now("-10000d")

Or, you can use the Better Excel Exporter app that doesn't enforce you do things like this.

(The second app is developed and supported by our team. Free for 10 users!)

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