Unable to update our JIRA server FAVICON

Dave Cuff June 16, 2020

Hi - I am trying to update the JIRA FAVICON and it keeps on bringing back the old version of the ICON.


I am able to reset the ICON to the JIRA standard however when I now try and load the new logo it does not work and brings back the previous company logo.


Please assist,



3 answers

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Abdulrahman Alghamdi June 29, 2022

Same Here v.9.0.0

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Lorenzo Torresin
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April 22, 2022

Same here -> no matter how many different favicons I try to upload, only the first one will always be shown.

It feels like there's some kind of caching on the Jira side, which doesn't refresh with the different sessions.

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March 23, 2022

I'm experiencing the same issue. I uploaded one image and now when I try to change it always sets it to the first picture. I can reset it to the default image, but even after that when I try to customize it will only use the first image that I tried.

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