Unable to login to JIRA every morning without clear cache

Jean Zhang
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July 7, 2020

Hello team,


From the beginning of this week, I could not open a jira# directly, always ask me re-login,

I tried to login, it always report an error:

and the issue can be resolved by clean my browser cache. but every day will have such issue. Please help to investigate ?jira.png

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Carlos Garcia Navarro
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July 7, 2020

Hi @Jean Zhang ,

I think this article may be useful: https://confluence.atlassian.com/cloudkb/oops-you-ve-made-a-malformed-request-when-resetting-atlassian-account-password-900816987.html

It contains a few steps to troubleshoot the issue, e.g.: 

- Delete the appropriate cookies for your browser. Search for browser specific instructions on how to delete cookies.

- Ensure that you are visiting the correct URL, specifically without a trailing slash

- In Internet Explorer, open Internet Options >> Privacy. If the option Block All Cookies is selected, set it to Medium setting and then try to log in again

Does it happen with different browsers?

Hope it helps,

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