Unable to login remote with local-admin, but LDAP users can

Dennis Allen
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March 27, 2012
I am not able to login with my admin account from the internal User Directory
  • I have only the initial administrator created in the Internal User Directory
  • I have added a MS Active Directory User Directory and added 4 users from there
    • I used the same name for an initial administrator as a user from Active Directory, but different passwords
    • Chould this be the issue?
    • I changed to have the same password, no change
  • I can access the JIRA login page remotely
  • I can login as a user from the MS Active Directory
  • I cannot login remotely as the initial administrator
    • If I enter an incorrect password, I get the expected error prompt
    • If I enter the correct password, the login form clears but nothing else happens
  • I can login locally from the server as the initial admin
  • In both cases I am using the IP address for the site
    • I did change the default port from 8080 to 80 when I installed.
    • Firewall has been turned off until this is solved


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Andrew Frayling
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March 27, 2012

Hi Dennis,

Having a local admin with the same username as someone in AD will be the problem.

Have a look at http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/JIRAKB/Administrator+Cannot+Login+After+Reordering+User+Directories for options on resolving. Basically you need to temporarily disable the AD directory, change/recreate the local admin user making sure you use a username that is not in AD and re-enable the AD directory.

Hope that helps?


Dennis Allen
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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March 27, 2012

Perfect. I've cheated a bit and set the internal directory as active=0 from the database and documented in the wiki how to turn this back on in case we loose our AD admins.


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