Unable to install app "Event Calendar for Jira"

Joska Möller February 1, 2024


I'm trying to install the marketplace app "Event Calendar for Jira" but have no luck.

I click on "Try it for free" and then "Start free trial". But all I get is the error message

We ran into a little trouble
Unfortunately, we’re unable to process your request. Please retry again in some time.

We have another trial of the app "Planyway". Could there be an incompatibility? I am unable to check this out, because subscriptions couldn't be uninstalled immediately.

And - I am unable to see, what MIGHT happen, because there is no audit log in the free version. Not very smart :-(

This feels like "spinning in circles" and I'm stuck with the setup of our project.

Any help will be HIGHLY appreciated!

Thanks a lot in advance and best regards


4 answers

1 vote
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 13, 2024

Hi @Joska Möller 

Thank you very much for your patience while we have got the issue resolved with the involvement of our developers. We identified that there was a miss in getting the package of this addon added to our internal systems and the issue stands resolved now.

If you issue is resolved, kindly accept the answer so the thread can be closed and can help other members in our community when referenced :) 

Josch February 13, 2024

Hi Bernice,

yes - finally it works. Thanks A LOT for your kind support :-)

1 vote
Andy Heinzer
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 1, 2024

Hi @Joska Möller 

I created a support request on your behalf over in https://getsupport.atlassian.com/servicedesk/customer/portal/23/JST-964362

Although I did not find a solution to this problem yet, I did find there was at least one other Cloud customer that appears to be having the same problem attempting to install this specific app.  Perhaps if our team can find a solution for that other customer case, it could be applied to your site as well.

0 votes
Joska Möller February 1, 2024

Hi Marc,

thanks a lot for your answer. I checked the list from your link:

- We don't have an inactive subscription for that app

- We don't have an outstanding quote with Atlassian

- Atlassian has payment details from us

- We don't have a problem with the payment setup

- "Atlassian are experiencing a problem validating app descriptors" - I am unable to chaeck that and don't know how I should?

- "Something has momentarily failed at Atlassian and you really should try again in a bit" - How long shall I try. The problem persists for two days now?

So I'm stuck and lost for now. Is there any way to solve this/to get help to solve this?

Thanks a lot in advance and best regards


marc -Collabello--Phase Locked-
Community Leader
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February 1, 2024

Maybe you can try to contact Atlassian support.

Josch February 1, 2024

Hi Marc,

ok, but how? We have the free plan and there is only this "Community Support". I haven't found another way to contact the support. Can you help me with a hint? :-)

Thanks a lot in advance and best regards


marc -Collabello--Phase Locked-
Community Leader
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February 1, 2024

no idea

0 votes
marc -Collabello--Phase Locked-
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
February 1, 2024

Hi @Joska Möller ,

Usually this is an issue with Atlassian or your payment setup, and not with the app itself.

More information is available at: https://help.dsapps.dev/atlassian-apps-shared-documentation/we-ran-into-trouble-hiccup

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