Unable to access "Administration" or "Billing" page

yeenfei May 5, 2020

I recently downgraded from paid subscription to free tier, but i noticed that i lose the ability to email atlassian for direct support. I tried to upgrade my subscription via the administration page (I'm the account holder for my company) which points to https://neptrix.atlassian.net/admin but it keep stuck in an endless redirection and my account is currently on community support only.

3 answers

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Andy Heinzer
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 5, 2020

Hi @yeenfei 

Sorry to hear about this problem.  I understand that you cannot reach the billing admin page of your cloud site right now.  I have seen a few different scenarios like this one.

In one of them, we found it was caused by having another, non site-admin, account that was logged into the same browser session (perhaps a new tab).  In another case, the user had recently changed their email address, and their browser session was holding onto an old cookie.

In both scenarios we were able to resolve this just by clearing browsers cookies from *.atlassian.net, *.atlassian.com, and *atl-paas.net domains (or clear all cookies), then clearing browser cache, and restart the browser for good measure.  Alternatively, you can also try to use a private or incognito session in your browser to see if you can login here once more with just your site-admin account.  That should be a quick way to test if this is the problem here.

Try this and let me know if this helps.


John Funk
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
May 5, 2020

Thanks @Andy Heinzer !

yeenfei May 10, 2020

sorry for the delay guys, i cleared everything (cookie, cache, history etc) from my chrome and im still having problem signing into neptrix.atlassian.net using my account (yeenfei@neptrix.com).


I got the following screen whenever i try:



and when i clicked on the "try again", the same error occurs. I managed to snapshot my chrome devtools as follow:


yeenfei May 10, 2020

This is the chrome log when i try using incognito tab. @Andy Heinzer Is there any alternative because right now i've lost access to jira beside this forum =/Capture3.PNG

yeenfei May 10, 2020

i did some debug of the error, it seems that the follow file is not available from my region:



I'm visiting from Singapore but not sure why the forum login is not affected:


Andy Heinzer
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 11, 2020

Hi @yeenfei 

Thanks for all this information.  To the best of my knowledge there should be no blocks in place from our side to access requests from Singapore.  I understand that some countries might have addresses on a block list that prevent US Export controls, but not yours.  Are you accessing this site from the same IP addresses you have used to access this Community site?  I'm guess yes, but just want to be sure. 

I have reached out to my network support team for some more research on this topic from our side.  I'll update you once I have something more here.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


yeenfei May 12, 2020

Yes @Andy Heinzer  im browsing this forum with same device and connection. Not sure if the authentication process are the same because i dont face any difficulties login here.

Andy Heinzer
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 12, 2020

Hi @yeenfei 

From reviewing this information again, it looks like your browser is still loading extensions such as AdBlock.  It is possible that this browser extension can be configured in such a way that it could cause this behavior.  And since Chrome has started changing the default incognito behavior you continue to allow such extensions it could still be a factor here.  I would recommend that you temporarily disable it, or make sure that it is not active on these Atlassian domains at least temporarily.

If you find this you can still not, I'd want to try another browser first, like Firefox. 

I came across one other support case like yours.  In that case we found that if the client machine (your browser) is failing to set cookies on certain domains like  https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com then the setting cookies will fail but the login will succeed.

This appears to match your reported problems here where you can login to the site, but you can't see such Billing settings.   To the best of my knowledge we don't have a block set for your region or location from our side.  But I can't say if whether or not your ISP might somehow be blocking connections to that domain.

If you've already tried a clean browser without extensions and still see this issue, then I would recommend trying to use a VPN to tunnel to another provider OR using something like a hotspot to connect to a different service provider.  Either of these options should be able to help you connect to that site and set this cookie, if your browser permits it.

Please let me know the results.


0 votes
yeenfei May 5, 2020

Untitled.pngIn case I'm terrible in explaining my situation. This is the screenshot i got whenever i try to visit the billing/management page. The lack of my winnie poor bear avatar in the lower left might indicate something wrong with authentication?

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John Funk
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
May 5, 2020

Hi @yeenfei  - Let me see if I can get someone from Atlassian to help you out. 

yeenfei May 5, 2020

Thanks John, appreciate that.

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