Trying to bulk Import Epics in Jira.

Ushna Sarfaraz June 26, 2024

I am trying to import data, to create Epics but somehow I am not able to do it. I am getting an error/ description specifically on Issue Type. 

Attaching below the Screen shots of the sheet, importing setup and Error I am receiving. 

JIRA Importing.PNG

image (21).png

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Valerie Knapp
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June 26, 2024

Hi @Ushna Sarfaraz , thanks for your question.

The error message, even if it is saying there is an issue type, I think possibly where it is failing is the Key column. The key value refers to the issue key in this context, not the project key.

Normally when you import values in from a CSV, you have already specified in the screen prior to this one into which project you want to import issues.

My advice is always 

1) Start with an export of the same type of issues you want to import, so you can see how Jira is handling the data

2) Try to use as simple of a configuration as possible, not importing like hundreds of custom fields, which can be hard later to unpick (I can see you are already doing this).

Please can you try again with this type of import? You don't even need to modify the file, just, for these rows, you can specify not to do anything


Let us know if this helps / works.



Ushna Sarfaraz June 27, 2024

Can you please help further on this, I added the project name, project type and project key because I want to bulk import the data for different projects not only for a single project. In That case what should I specify. 

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