Time tracking

Monalisa_Azzopardi_chartwell_com April 26, 2024

Hello, we use the Time Tracking report to show the original, estimated and delta time spent for our.

Since we use releases, I have to select each release to get this information.

Is there a way I can see the total of Original, Estimated  and Vairance for all the task?

Thank you,


2 answers

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Amay Purohit_RVS
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April 30, 2024

Hi @Monalisa_Azzopardi_chartwell_com 

If you would be interested in a mktplace app to get this data, you can try the add-on we have developed. You can easily view time entries for multiple issues day wise in a single view. And  add columns to the reports like Original Estimate, Remaining Estimate etc


Worklogs Time Tracking & Timesheets

The app allows to filter/Categorize/Group By your worklogs data and a timesheet view too to track individual time spent. 

Disclaimer : I work for the vendor who built this app


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April 29, 2024

HI @Monalisa_Azzopardi_chartwell_com ,


Here's a similar post in this regard. You can do it by sprint by turning on time tracking and using reports. It really depends on how your project is setup to see what reports can be utilize. There are also marketplace apps that can help extend the functionality to help support your needs. 

Please see post below:



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