Time for Communication Frequency - Measuring SLA

Jason Corbett April 30, 2019

Hi All,

I have an SLA to measure the success of communications frequency to our clients. The frequency is dependent on priority. 

e.g. A critical incident requires an hourly update on the JIRA tickets

Once an update is provided, the SLA clock restarts.

In our SLA metrics, the reports only capture the last frequency update. Therefore, if the last update was outside the hour window, the SLA fails. If it is within the hour window, the SLA succeeds. 

What I want to be able to measure is the SLA success of all communication frequencies during the lifecycle of an incident. Say the incident lasts for 10 hours and the incident frequency updates are missed 2 times, I'd like the success rate to be measured at 80%. However, at present it is measured on the last update time.

Any ideas how I can measure this?



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