Time estimate on Scrum board

Luka Zlatecan November 7, 2018

We have a classical Scrum board, and whenever I try to put in the time estimate for some task/story it jumps automatically back to 0m after one/two seconds. Do you have any idea why?

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Scott Theus
Rising Star
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November 7, 2018

@Luka Zlatecan, do you know if you are using "Legacy Mode" for time tracking in the new Jira Issue View? 

Some documentation: Configure Time Tracking

If so you may be running into this bug: JRACLOUD-69154


Scott Theus
Rising Star
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November 7, 2018

BTW...I found a bit more info from another post that may help:

"Change this by going (as Admin) to:

1. Jira Settings on the left-hand menu

2. Issues on the left-hand menu

3. Time Tracking on the left-hand menu

4. In the Time Tracking screen, click Edit Global Settings which is a button at the bottom of the screen.

5. On the Edit Global Settings screen, go to the last option which is Jira Legacy Mode and toggle this setting to "off".  

6. Now check to see if you can edit the original estimate field"

Luka Zlatecan November 7, 2018

Thank you very much, that helped me a lot and time estimate is now working as it should.

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Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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November 7, 2018

@Luka Zlatecan, as you have described it, this is very bizarre. There must be more to this. Can you open one of the issues into the view issue screen, edit it and try updating the Original Estimate field and see if it sticks?

Jack Brickey
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November 7, 2018

you might want to add a couple of screenshots of exactly what you are seeing.

Luka Zlatecan November 7, 2018

Hello, so here is an dummy task for which i try to set time estimate to 2h.

Screenshot 2018-11-07 at 15.40.56.png

But when i try to click on checkmark, it goes back to 0m.

Screenshot 2018-11-07 at 15.41.04.png

I don't know if I have to edit some settings in board/project in order to make this work or something?

Thank you for your reply.

Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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November 7, 2018

it feels like a bug. did you check to see if it works from the edit screen? If it works there and not in the board view then I would certainly reach out to Atlassian Support. I verified that this is not happening in my Cloud instance.

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