Ticket From Email - Email disappear from email box

vincent beudez January 3, 2012


I have an email address for the helpdesk, when i send emails there, it automatically creates tickets. It works, tickets are created and are in the good project.
But when the ticket is created, the email disappear from the emailbox.

In the email configuration, i don't see anything about this, and it's a problem because we need to have the tickets also in the emailbox.

project=JRA, issuetype=1, catchemail= helpdesk [at] externis [dot] com, notifyusers=false, createusers=true



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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
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January 3, 2012

Um, if you don't delete the incoming emails, Jira will create a new issue every time the email scan runs.

Thinking about it, there's not really any other way to do it - the only approach that would work is to have something on an email in the POP/IMAP server that's a flag to say "Jira has processed this already" and that means configuration (and maybe coding?) on the server side, outside Jira, plus code in Jira to set the flag on the emails.

It's far more simple to delete the emails.

vincent beudez January 3, 2012

Ok, you're right, Jira take the whole content of the mailbox to create tickets, i didn't think about it.

Thanks for your answer

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
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January 3, 2012

I know it's less from ideal, but I did look at it a while ago (for a non-Jira system as it happens) and we couldn't work out any way to do it without rewriting bits of the mail server and the other system.

We did come up with a trick though - the email admins rigged up a second mail box and an automatic forwarding process. Email arrives in "main", and stays there. When it arrives, the auto-forward sends a single copy to "Jira copy" and then you set Jira to scan that mailbox instead. They did some clever stuff with the subject and reply-to which I don't know the details of, but it solved the problem well enough for us at the time.

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