Switch from a Remote Crowd directory to a Microsoft Active Directory

Deleted user November 3, 2011

Currently our JIRA instance is connected to Active Directory via Crowd. However since upgrading to JIRA 4.4 it seems we can connect JIRA directory to AD and eliminate the need for Crowd.

Is there a recommended process for switching from a Remote Crowd Directory to a Microsoft Active Directory which will ensure all user settings associated with the "Remote Crowd" user are applied to the AD user with the same username?

Many thanks for your help

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November 4, 2011
Technically your JiRA will still use an embedded Crowd server when you do that step. i do not know exactly the resource usage of a dedicated crowd server but for the embedded one it will not be much less. And if you think in adding more JIRA or Conflience instances to your landscape it should be really thought well to give up a working crowd in favour of duplicating the complexity to more systems. I know this is not a real answer to your question but in order to be safe for the future i'd personally never give up a working dedicated Crowd but take thiscjust as my 2 cents

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