Swimlanes on Epics not showing

Lisa Achilleos
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July 8, 2020

Hi, my board has a filter that pulls all issues assigned to a group of 5 developers. My query is set on All projects, then I selected the relevant issue types (Bug, Task, Epic, Story, Sub-task) and the names of the developers.  However if my board is set on Swimlanes for Epics, then all my issues disappear, if I remove the Epic Swimlane then all issues reappear.  I really want my board to have these Swimlanes.  Does anyone have advice.

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Jack Brickey
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July 8, 2020

Please provide your board filter so I can analyze.

Lisa Achilleos
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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July 8, 2020

issuetype in (Bug, Epic, Story, Task, "User Story", Sub-task) AND assignee in (5ef4992054c8a50ab5b9c614, 5ef4990b66f5de0ab72dda54, 5ef4990b4d302e0ac3182615, 5ef4990c561e0e0aaeab6e2e) ORDER BY Rank ASC



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