Speakeasy extensions: For all "staff" but not all "users"

Henry Whincup (Adaptavist) October 12, 2011

First up, appologies if this has been answered elsewhere or should be asked elsewhere, as this is my first use of this forum.

I've recently installed Speakeasy on a JIRA installation with both internal (aka staff) and external users. I'd like to enable Speakeasy for internal users which I've done with access settings for the plugin.

However I'd now like to enable a bunch of extensions which have been written for all internal users rather than require them to remember to turn them on for themselves. I think that setting "enable globally" on the extension should work, but I'd just like to check whether this will affect my external users in anyway, or expose us (internal users) to any additional security threats?


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Don Brown [Atlassian]
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October 13, 2011

Good thing you checked :) The expected behavior was globally-enabled extensions would only show up for Speakeasy users, but in testing that, I found it enabled it for everyone. I fixed the bug and released 1.3.1 found here:


Will update PAC soon.

Henry Whincup (Adaptavist) October 13, 2011

:) thanks. To misquote an old advert "It's good to ask"

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