Sorting Versions in PlanningBoard of Greenhopper not possible

Jens Lippmann August 6, 2012

We are using an elaborate versioning scheme which has been setup on the Planning Board. There seems to be no way of actually ordering the different versions.

I tried to change the name to sort, but 0.1 is still followed by 0.8 and then 0.4. Also tried the different date fields.

Is there a way to sort the versions in some way. I'm pretty flexible on how to do it, but I would need some sort of a sorting criteria

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Alex Taylor
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August 6, 2012

So far as I know, GH displays the versions in the same order that they appear in the Project's list. You'll need the 'Administer Projects' permission to change this, but if you have this then you can change the order by going to your Project's admin screen and clicking on the 'Versions' tab. The versions can then be rearranged by drag-n-drop.

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