Some of the users in the project are not able to see the backlog/sprint button on the left side.

Priyanka Khare February 26, 2018

Some of the users in the project are not able to see the backlog/sprint button on the left side of the project. What can be the reason? is it some permission issue???

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Fazila Ashraf
Community Leader
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February 26, 2018

Hi @Priyanka Khare

Could you check whether those users have jira-software application access or only jira-core application access?

My guess is that , they do not have jira-software application access to view the agile parts of the product

Priyanka Khare February 26, 2018

@Fazila Ashraf Thanks for the reply. yes i just checked. they do have the general JIRA software access. 

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