Single user - multiple accounts

Bojan Virag September 20, 2022

I have an issue with one of our users being suggested twice when @mentioned and with his old name.

I understand how the issue occurred but cannot find a solution. Our set up as is follows.

We have 2 LDAP user directories: AD1, AD2

User was first imported through AD2 as : FirstName LastName Nickname (

Later on, his account in AD changed and he was synced through AD1, with account: FirstName LastName (


Since prefix to email stayed the same firstname.lastname something probably happened there during the sync, so in the database there are two accounts.

When user is @mentioned  his account pops up twice, both times with his old account FirstName LastName Nickname (

Since however the account name is the same, he receives the notifications so it is mostly a visual bug, but still discerning.

User only shows up once when searching through users menu in Jira with the new account.


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Dave Mathijs
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September 20, 2022

@Bojan Virag Has the old user(name) been disabled in AD?

Bojan Virag September 20, 2022

@Dave Mathijs the old user does not exist in AD anymore which leads me to believe the account was either changed or deleted.

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