Simplifying Jira Plans for Fiscal Year Planning

Karim Mohamed December 31, 2024

I’m facing a challenge with Jira’s Plan feature: managing too many issues, which complicates navigation and visualization. Filters like excluding completed items or backlog issues don’t fully solve the problem, as they apply across all issue levels and types. Using complex JQL with multiple conditions feels error-prone and hard to maintain.

Use Case:

  • Plan for a fiscal year (e.g., FY25).
  • Include initiatives not completed before Oct 1, 2024, and exclude those created after Sep 30, 2025.
  • Ensure all child issues of these initiatives are included.

One possible solution is using ScriptRunner to create advanced filters, but I want to avoid overcomplicating the setup. Another idea: create a separate “initiative overview” project for each fiscal year, carrying forward or leaving behind initiatives as needed.

Have you faced similar challenges? How have you approached them? Any insights on using ScriptRunner or the “one project per year” idea?

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