Show custom fileds based on other custom field value on CREATE ISSUE screen

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May 15, 2019

Please suggest me to create custom fields based on other custom filed.


                 Chef   --->  Recipe

Tools ---> Ansible ----> Playbook

                Puppet ---> Manifest

2 answers

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Rising Star
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May 28, 2019

Hey @vinoth 

Our plugin ProForma features dynamic fields in which certain form sections can be shown or hidden based on selections in previous sections.

If you'd like to try us out you can evaluate for free using ProForma Lite

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Jack Brickey
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May 15, 2019

it looks like maybe you want a custom field of type Cascading Select. Note that it is limited to two levels.

I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
May 15, 2019

Thanks for the reply, I got it. Is there a way to create third

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