Show/Hide a field on the create screen in CUSTOMER PORTAL with scriptrunner behaviour

Deleted user December 4, 2018

Hi guys,

My following code in working when creating an issue with Jira UI:

def fieldToHide = getFieldByName("Oculto")
def urgencia = getFieldByName("Urgency")
def optionValue = urgencia.getValue().toString()


if (optionValue == 'Critical') {

But it does NOT work when raising a request in JSD Customer Portal.

Note: both Oculto, and Urgency fields are visible in the request create screen.

Any idea how can I fix it, please?

I appreciate any help. Thanks in advance



1 answer

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Deleted user December 5, 2018

Hi there

Just for the record. It is mandatory to map Service Desk. Solved!



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