Set different future sprint board per Team

Inbar Shtibel Levi
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January 14, 2025


I need to create an automation that's create a ticket if some trigger is set, and that ticket should be added to a future sprint but based on his "Team name" single choice value board.

For example for Team = x add to future sprint for board name team x board, for Team y add it to future sprint from board name Team Y board and so on..

There are lots of teams and boards and I need to find a smart way to do it and not via a simple If Then conditions.. 

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January 14, 2025

@Inbar Shtibel Levi 

Since you want to do a comparison based on Team name you're going to have to do IF ... THEN for each Team name ...

However you also need to take into account that you can only have one active sprint in a project at any one time so you will need a separate project for each team and not just a separate board.  Although the filter for each project can define what tickets can be included in that project.

In addition, you can only assign Sprints based on:

  • Current Sprint
  • Next Sprint
  • Sprint Name (I think, may be Sprint ID)

So if you're not assigning the ticket to Current or Next sprint you would have to make sure that the automation provided a valid sprint name, and sprint names will be constantly changing so the automation could quickly be outdated.

All in all you may just be better setting you're board filters to pick up tickets assigned to a Team and adding them to a sprint during backlog refinement or sprint planning

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