Seeking for JQL query that can be used for ScriptRunner Enhanced Search

Aravindh P January 21, 2025

Hi There,


I have a question on the ScriptRunner Enhanced Search. We've attempted to query for all issues with the issue type "Epic" that have a status of "Done", but unfortunately, it returned zero results (screenshot attached).
Our primary goal is to identify all Epics with a status of "Done" Additionally, we would like to:
  1. List all Epics where at least one child issue is marked as "Done"
  2. List all Epics where all child issues are marked as "Done"
Could you assist us with the appropriate JQL for the Enhanced Search?
Thanks in advance for your help!


image (2).png


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Kristian Walker _Adaptavist_
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January 22, 2025

Hi Aravindh,

I can confirm you will want to use the epicsOf() enhanced search function to write queries to find epics with some or all of the child issues resolved.

I would advise starting with some queries like the ones below to search for your use cases and modify them to achieve your needs.

1. issueFunction in epicsOf('project= syn and status = "Done"')

2. issueFunction in epicsOf('project= syn and status = "Done"') and not issueFunction in epicsOf('project = syn and status != "Done"')

I hope this information helps.






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