Searching the summary for "[Name]"

Tony Higgins
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June 19, 2017

I have been havingno luck trying to get the following search to work:

reporter = me AND project != "Project A" AND summary ~ "\\[Name\\]" ORDER BY createdDate DESC

I get eleven tickets returned, but one of them does not have "[Name]", but it does have "name some other text" in the summary.

I've tried various combination, with/without //, no " etc, but most of those occurs in an error.

Any idea why the search above adds in the extra ticket?



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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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June 19, 2017

The ~ text searches are "fuzzy" - it's finding something it thinks is similar enough to [name] that you might want to see it.

The problem with fuzzy text searches is that they do have a nasty habit of throwing up the odd googly ball.  While you'd sort of expect a fuzzy search given "crat" to return thinks like "cat, chat, autocrat, cravat, etc", sometimes they'll chuck in "penguin" for no reason you can fathom! is a good read if you want more detail on various searches.

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