Search greyed out for not logged in users

Adam Lonsdale
I'm New Here
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June 17, 2020

I'm currently evaluating Jira Software Server. I'm trying to get a scenario where the dev team can maintain bugs and stories on the system with the support team being able to see the data but not modify it when not logged in.

I've given browse permissions to 'everyone on the web' although this instance is not hosted externally but just one an internal server.

I can see when I log in and browse for something, I get a nice experience with a list on the left and details on the right.


When I'm not logged in I can perform the same search (Even copy the same URL as before) and I can see that everything is greyed out / disabled. I can't scroll or click any links, but yet when I browse directly to an issue that works.


This I can replicate on IE, Edge and Firefox. As soon as I login on edge / firefox it starts working again. I wonder what I'm missing here or whether this is a bug?


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Bill Sheboy
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
July 10, 2020

Hi @Adam Lonsdale  -- Welcome to the Atlassian community!

In general, you need to be logged into JIRA to access the information.  When you want people to see rather than modify issues, you can update permissions to handle that.

Please review this documentation about permissions to learn more about how to configure the tool:


Best regards,

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