Scrum Rapid Board - more questions

Anthony Leonard
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February 22, 2012

Hi there,

I love the rapid board for scrum :) But:

* How do you stop a sprint once it's started?

* Can you rename a sprint, instead of just Sprint 1, 2, 3, etc?

* Is a sprint tied to a rapid view? So if I create a sprint with issues, and then delete the rapid view, will the sprint number filed in all the issues be cleared?

* When will it be out of labs :)

BTW the feedback link at the top gave me an exception. Thanks!

Best wishes,


2 answers

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Danielle Zhu
Rising Star
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March 20, 2012

Re: How do you stop a sprint once it's started?

You can't stop a sprint. You can complete a sprint. The Complete Sprint button is the arrow on the top right corner of the Done column when you are in Work mode of the current sprint.

Re: Can you rename a sprint, instead of just Sprint 1, 2, 3, etc?

You can name a sprint when you start the new sprint. I don't think you can rename it after you start the sprint. At least that's how it is now.

Great question on whether sprints are tied to rapid views. I suspect the Sprint number field won't be cleared but it won't be very useful unless there is a way to display these sprints and related issues.

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Patrick Nolan
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May 7, 2013

I started the sprint by accident. There is no way to revert back to its "unstarted" state?

Danielle Zhu
Rising Star
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May 7, 2013

Not really. You would have to end/complete that active sprint and let any issues not completed return to the backlog or the next planned sprint.

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