Scan the JIRA ticket description for a specific word

aravindi.amarasinghe December 1, 2020

Hi All, 

We are JIRA Server v 8.5.9. 

I have this scenario I want to scan the content of the Description field for a specific word and auto close the issue if the word is not available in the description. 

I am looking for a behavior ,script, plugin  or any useful information to get this done. 

Do you think this is possible? 

Thanks in advance. 


1 answer

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Andy Heinzer
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 4, 2020

I know it is possible to do with Automation or even the Automation Lite editions in Jira Server.  With automation you could create a rule to check the contents of the description field and if it does not contain your specific word, execute the transition to close the issue as the action. 

Screen Shot 2020-12-04 at 11.56.15 AM.png

In this case, I set the trigger to be on issue creation, and then have a condition to check the field for the word banana.  Issues without that value somewhere in the description can then be automatically transitioned by a new action.

Screen Shot 2020-12-04 at 12.02.17 PM.png


It is likely also possible to do this with other plugins such as scriptrunner/behaviours or power scripts, however I am not quite as confident in the exact syntax needed for each of them to make this happen.  Natively, Jira server won't likely be able to do this, so I would expect this functionality to be something a plugin to Jira can help with.


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