Running Jira on Windows 10 or Windows Subsystem fro Linux?

Adam Lee December 27, 2018

Hello everyone, I'm sure it's been asked before but I can't seem to find a guide for it. Is there a guide/tutorial for running Jira on a Windows host for trial/development? At the moment I am running on a shared Linux server in my office, but the performance during peak hours isn't on par with my expectation. 

2 answers

3 votes
Joe Pitt
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December 27, 2018

Once installed JIRA runs on Windows that same as other OS. The install process is very simple. When asked you want to say YES to run as a service. Just download the windows install package. The instructions are included.  

Adam Lee December 27, 2018

Thank you. I overthought the problem. Of course there is an installer native for Windows. I'm already up and running with my imported data. 

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Tom Lister
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December 27, 2018
Adam Lee December 27, 2018

Thanks! I'm already up and running using the installer found in your link. That was easy!

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