Restrict permission to transition the issue

Vasanta Kumaar April 15, 2020



I need to restrict or avoid the user to transition issue to next status if current status of the issue was transition by him.


For Example : User X has move the issue  from In-Progress to Testing.

Now user X should not have permission to move the issue from Testing to Validated., as he already moved the issue previously to Testing.




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Ashkan Malekly
Rising Star
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April 15, 2020

Hii @Vasanta Kumaar 

Why don't you restrict the issue to just assignee and when an issue transit to another status changes the assignee? 

Vasanta Kumaar April 16, 2020

Hi @Ashkan Malekly ,


Yeah We can do it, I can change the assignee to Not Assigned when a issue transit to another status, but the same user can assign the issue, which should not happen in my case. How can we restrict is my question?

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