Requesting for Trial License for JIRA software..Datacenter vs Server

praseeda.sankarankutty February 26, 2020

I am requesting for  a trial license for JIRA Software and seeing options as Jira software (datacenter) and Jira software (server). What is the difference? What license should I be requesting for? I just need to be able to try all the features in JIRA software that I generally see in projects.

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Mikael Sandberg
Community Leader
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February 26, 2020

Hi @praseeda.sankarankutty,

Welcome to Atlassian Community.

This blog post, Server vs. Data Center – what’s right for you? explains the difference between server and data center. If you are just testing some Jira Software features I would go with the server license. 

praseeda.sankarankutty February 26, 2020

Thank you, I was able to get some answers and make a decision.

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praseeda.sankarankutty February 26, 2020

I found the information provided a comprehensive picture of the difference.

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