Report / gadget to show estimated time per issue grouped by calendar week based on due date

Martin Boehme
Community Leader
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December 18, 2019


I use Jira's default work logging feature to estimate effort on my tasks. Additionally, I set the due date.

Now I would like to have some kind of report, filter or dashboard gadget that shows me all of my issues (in the title column) and the upcoming calendar weeks (or just months) as the other columns. 

In the cell of each issue and the column of the calendar week (/month) of the respective due date, I want to see the estimation.

It should look like that:

Estimation per issue grouped by calendar week.png

Do you have an idea how I could achieve that?

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Evan Golden {VisualScript}
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
December 20, 2019

Hello Martin


You can do this withe the VisualScript marketplace app, and create this grid inside of a Jira dashboard gadget.

It can give you a filterable list of issues (by entering values inside parameters), and create a timeline by calendar week.  I think for your report, it would search the worklogs, and find time spent, or whatever metric you are looking for per issue.

There are other ways to represent this data as well with shapes etc.  However your customers need to consume the data, the app can create a customized report to meet those needs.

I hope this helps 



FYI I work on the product team for VisualScript.

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