Report for Jira ticket information

Benjamin McClure April 13, 2023

The auditors for the company I work for want a report of the JIra tickets worked on for a certain projects. This includes The name of the ticket, the number, the workflow it has gone through, the assignee information, etc. 


I have just manually been inputting this into excel with all of the above information just being typed in a row. I was wondering if there was a way to automate this type of report/ make the process easier and more time efficient. I was looking through Jira's existing reports and they seem to be primarily graphical representations of the tickets. 

4 answers

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Marketplace Partner
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April 13, 2023

Hi @Benjamin McClure

You can try filters as suggested before. It will provide you with the basic info like assignee, ticket id, summary, etc.


Also, you can check the Issue History for Jira plugin. It allows getting a more flexible report to monitor user activity. So here, you can track any changes to issues, including workflow statuses. 

user activity jira.png

*The app is developed by my team. Let me know if you have any questions.

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Levente Szabo _Midori_
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
April 14, 2023

Alternatively, you can use Better Excel Exporter's issue list export or issue history report options that will produce a presentable Excel file with the desired issue details and history information.

Read on for more in this tutorial article or browse sample exports to get an idea of what's possible.

(Please note that Better Excel Exporter is a paid and supported app and I'm part of the team developing it.)

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Walter Buggenhout
Community Leader
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April 13, 2023

Hi @Benjamin McClure,

There's 2 types of information you seem to be referring to here: a list of tickets and then some of history of those tickets.

To create a list of tickets, just navigate to Filters > Advanced issue search and define a search that matches the tickets you need.

Project = "The audit project"

 would return all issues in the project your auditor is interested in.

Project = "The audit project" AND updated >= 2023-01-01 and updated <= 2023-03-31

would return all issues from that same project that were somehow updated between the given dates.

These results can be saved as a filter and exported to Excel, with the columns you want in the result set.

Auditors are usually interested to see if your tool keeps track of all relevant changes that happen to those issues. Ideally, you can prove so by showcasing certain samples. Just include screenshots of your project workflow(s) and show a few samples of the history tab on the issue details. Every change of every field is recorded there and can be shown, even in real time if you have the tool at hand during an audit.

Hope this helps!

0 votes
Tom Whittle April 13, 2023

Hi @Benjamin McClure

It's totally possible to do this, to filter by project go to "Filters" in the top banner / menu of Jira, at the bottom of the dropdown should be "Advanced issue search", click this. 

You should be presented with all issues in your Jira cloud instance (that you have permission to view) in a tabular format.

You can use JQL to filter what you see to a specific project e.g. project = PROJECTKEY if you are using the advanced search or if using the basic search select the desired project from the dropdown, and click the "Search" button.

You can also add other filters if you wish. Natively you cannot see what workflow was used, however, you can see the issue type which you can cross reference to the workflow and then replace manually if desired. Just below the banner you should be able to see the "Export" button on the right hand side, if you click this you can export all data that matches your query to a variety of file formats (you can also choose to export with all fields or just the ones that you have selected to display in the GUI).

Hope this helps,


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