Remove edit permission but "assign me" transition should work.

Hemant Jadav June 25, 2020

There are two requirements which are conflicting .I need help to solve this on urgent basis.


1.Remove edit permission for analyst.

2.Remove assign permission for others but should have "Assign me" permission.


to achieve #1 I have removed edit permission in permission scheme.

to achieve #2 I have added one more transition in workflow which is assign.

However, both of them does not work together. Need help

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John Funk
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June 26, 2020

Hi Hemant,

Let me see if I understand. The analyst project role no long has Edit issue permissions. But the analyst project role has permissions for Transition issue? 

But the analyst is not able to transition an issue. 

Is that correct?

Hemant Jadav June 26, 2020

Yes, Analyst has issue transition permission. Please see below flow,


I have a common user SAUD248 to which all the tickets gets assigned. Other analyst has to pick from this common bucket. Now, 

1.User should first pull the issue from common bucket and start working. My original requirement is that user should not have assign to others permission. hence I have added assign in workflow by clicking on which user can assign it only to himself. 


But, as i informed earlier User doesnt posses edit permission hence this is not working. once i give edit permission to users then assign button appears.

Hope I am not confusing here...


Let me know.

John Funk
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June 26, 2020

Why don't you just assign the card to the user as a Post Function on the transition? 

Technically, assigning a user, even if it is themselves, is an "edit" of the issue. So you can't take that away from them. 

Then their rule (as we have in our organization) is NEVER assign a card to someone else. Only work on the cards you pull - leave the rest alone. 

Hemant Jadav June 26, 2020

@John Funk just to clarify,

Issue once created would be in status "Created" and assigned to common user.  other analyst can only see this issue till the time they assign it to themselves.

"assign to me" thing wont help as using that you can assign to anybody. hence, I have added "assign" as transition on click of which issue would be assigned to user. but, if i remove edit permission then "Assign" button doesnt appear on user screen.

Hemant Jadav June 26, 2020

We have below workflow,

OLD: Created-->Pending-->Resolved-->Closed


Your guidance would really be appreciable. Thanks!

John Funk
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June 26, 2020

Here's my advice. Create the worfklow as this:


1. The card is created and goes to whatever status that goes to (i.e. the first status - Created). It is not assigned to anyone.

2. The user pulls the card they want to work on to the next column (this would be the next status in your workflow - Assigned). Put a post function on the transition to Assigned that assigns the card to the current user (it's the top choice when you create a new post function).

3. User only works cards assigned to them. Do not put card from first column if you are not going to work on it. Do not assign cards to anyone else - you just pull the card to Assigned. 

Hemant Jadav June 26, 2020

@John Funk thanks so much.

I will try this and post thae status.

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