Remove Issue Type from Create

Mike Bell April 11, 2024

I have 2 Issue Types that are no longer needed for a Workflow. I want to remove the option of creating tickets with these issue types. If I try to remove them from the Issue Type Scheme associated to the project I would have to bulk move them to another issue type.

I don't want that. These tickets still hold historical significance and should remain searchable.

All that I want to do is remove them from the list of issue type options during a ticket creation.

Any ideas?





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Trudy Claspill
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April 11, 2024

Hello @Mike Bell 

Jira does not provide a method natively to limit what appears in the Issue Type field in the Create Issue options, other than changing the Issue Type Scheme associated with the project.

The only native option for blocking creation of issues of specific types is to add a Validator to the Create transition that will always fail and prevent saving an issue of that type.

There is at least one third party app that would enable you to do that - Adaptavist ScriptRunner Behaviours. That app is free, but requires the not-free ScriptRunner app to also be present.

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