Reminder notification

Felipe Motta
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January 3, 2025

Hello team,


I created an automation for when I add a date in the ''approved test'' automatically the field ''refresh test'' change to 15 days later and it works correctly, now, I want to add that based on the date (the 15 days later) that day I get an email notification and I would like to add in addition to that some conditional that if before that time the ticket changes to status ''finished'' no notification is sent. What would be the best way to do it?


Here's the way that I was trying to make it:

Captura de pantalla 2025-01-03 a la(s) 2.49.27 p.m..png


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Trudy Claspill
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January 3, 2025

Hello @Felipe Motta 

Welcome to the Atlassian community.

You can't add the email reminder activity to the same rule. The rule you have is triggered by a change to the approved test field. It will attempt to send the email the same day the rule is triggered. There is no method available within a rule to tell the rule to schedule an email to be sent later.

You need a separate rule concerning to send the email.

I recommend that you use a Schedule trigger for the second rule. You can set it up to run daily and execute a JQL to find all the issues where the the "refresh test" date is the same day and the issue is not in the "finished" status:

"refresh test" is not empty and "refresh date" = now.jiraDate and status!="finished"

Then add an action to Send Email. This will execute for each issue found by the JQL in the trigger.


Felipe Motta
I'm New Here
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January 3, 2025

@Trudy Claspill Thanks for the explanation! Is there any article to create this schedule trigger that you mentioned me or you can guide me on how it looks like a similar automatization? If the ''refresh date'' is not empty system will take the date or how I configure it to choose the date to send the email?


About the conditional If I change the ''status'' to approved/finish, is there any way to don't send the email?

Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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January 3, 2025

For future reference, when you go to the Automation page there is a tab for Templates. You can look there for examples.

Screenshot 2025-01-03 at 2.29.07 PM.png

Additionally on that same page is a link to an online area that has more templates:

Screenshot 2025-01-03 at 2.29.58 PM.png


You can also refer to the documentation on the features of Automation Rules:

And lastly, there is free, on-demand training available at Atlassian University. Here is an example search for courses related to the Jira Automation feature:


Here is an example of a rule that could work.


Screenshot 2025-01-03 at 2.42.09 PM.png

The JQL used in the schedule trigger is

"refresh test" is not empty and "refresh test" >= startOfDay() and "refresh test" <= endOfDay() and status != "finished"

You can build out that JQL in the Search for Issues screen to confirm you have specified the field names and Status value correctly.

That will return all issues where "refresh date" is the same day that the rule runs, and the status of the issue at that time is not "finished"

Make sure that you uncheck the box below the JQL. With it check the rule would process only issues that had some update since the last time the rule ran.

Then you add an action to send the email. An email will be sent for each issue found by the JQL.

Screenshot 2025-01-03 at 2.42.21 PM.png

Felipe Motta
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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January 3, 2025

@Trudy Claspill Thank you so much!


Just las thing, I was trying to create the JQL but got an error message:

Captura de pantalla 2025-01-03 a la(s) 6.30.18 p.m..png

tried to change the names to spanish but got the same error, this is the field:

Captura de pantalla 2025-01-03 a la(s) 6.31.01 p.m..png

Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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January 3, 2025

Use the Search Issues screen to create that part of the filter. You can start in the Basic view:

Screenshot 2025-01-03 at 3.40.22 PM.png

Pull down the Status field. Select the value from the list.

Screenshot 2025-01-03 at 3.42.03 PM.png

Then switch the the JQL view and add the "!" character so that the criteria is "not equal" instead of "equal"

Screenshot 2025-01-03 at 3.43.21 PM.png

That will give you the valid JQL syntax for the Status criteria.

If that doesn't resolve your issue, please provide a screen image (or copy the text) of your entire JQL statement and share it with us.


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