Real time access to JIRA data

KD September 6, 2018


We are building a telemetry dashboard to show real time metrics. this application will require real time access to JIRA data to show some of the metrics on the dashboard,

Two ways I could think of accessing the JIRA data in realtime are - via REST API's or via database. However I am not sure of the implications on performance when accessing the JIRA system via REST APIs or via database in realtime.

Need some advise on what is the recommended way to access the JIRA data in realtime from another application? 

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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September 8, 2018

The database really is not build for reporting, and is the single worst possible way to get any information out of Jira.  Even the most theoretically simple action (view a single issue) requires around 30 separate joins, some two or three deep.  Because of the complexities, it's incredibly easy to load the database and hit the performance hard.  Don't bother with SQL.

Use the REST interface instead, it's a lot more easy to understand and puts no more stress on the system than any other user.

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