Quick Filters created on the Kanban board is not working

aravindranath June 25, 2020

Created the quick filter on the kanban board , when i applied that filter by selecting it in the active sprints view , the filtering is not working .


Please help me here. 


Filter created :

"Created by " = which should list the all the items based on creator name ASC order.

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
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June 25, 2020

Could you explain "is not working" a bit more?

That is a bit of a wide-ranging question, and I can already answer some of it and take a guess at a bit more.

The partial answer I have is that putting "order by" in a quick-filter will not do anything.  Personally, I would like Atlassian to get rid of the "order by" bit of filters, simply because it confuses us a lot, and it is not anywhere as useful as most of us intuit it might be.

All a quick filter does is narrow-down what you see on your board.  It cannot add issues to a board and it can not re-sort the board.  So, for Atlassian, a "quick filter" does some very simple stuff and I think your expectation is more than what they have done.

Let's assume your board is "domestic pets".  The board query says "issuetype in (dog, cat, bunny) order by fluffiness"  (and each pet is an "issue").  A quick filter can narrow it down to dog/cat/bunny, but it can't draw in "snake", or order by how many teeth the pet has because that's not what the board filter says.

I know that's not a great analogy, but I hope it enables you to explain more about what is not working for you?

aravindranath June 26, 2020

Created by.PNG

aravindranath June 26, 2020

I have created the Above filter attached . but on the clicking the created by filter on the board it doesnt filter based on the reporter name in Ascending order. Please suggest how can i achieve the quick filter working for the listing on my board based on the reporter name in ascending order .


I also tried many queries like this , but it didnt work

type = Bug AND Reporter in (5eb08c2fc5c6230baa25f77c, 5eb1e06b9756e40b848ae150, 557058:fbd38f5a-9b55-42b0-9ac1-95f89a14eb4e, 5e261dbc76f1a50e68c87c8f, 5e9a2d6e7a2ea00c15541a1a) ORDER BY Reporter ASC

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