Project management challenge across eng , business, product and OPs teams

Gadi Ben Amram June 30, 2024

Hi, we have a need to project manage the following setup (thought to use 4 boards in this attempt) :

- Eng board 1

- Eng board 2

- Product board (using Jira discovery) 

- Operational execution board (using Jira discovery)

1. Engineering boards: 2 teams, each using its own board. Some Epics/Tickets are connected/dependent between teams/boards, and some are not.

2. Product features : Trying to use Jira discovery for this - and product feature launches needs to be connected to the right EPICs/Jira tickets that enable feature usage OR scaling feature scope. 

Some feature launches are dependent on one of the teams boards, and some depends on Jira tickets from both boards

3. Operational team execution board: covers usage of the product features / execution to deliver X-amount-of-work by Time-Y: I think to use another Jira discovery board for this. My plan was to:

A) Reflect operational team usage of features starts based on the timeline of the feature launch (sourced to : "Product features board").

B) Each "delivery task" of the operational teams has several parameters which impacts its "time to end" :

B1) # of "items" to be covered by the "delivery task"

B2) # of items a single agent can cover in a "day" and ,

B3) # of agents assigned to it per day,

B4) # of hours each agent can provide per day

B5) # buffer-days to be added at beginning of the task (gradual ramp phase)

So, if delivery task is to deliver 1,000 items , and I assign 5 agents, and each agent can cover 3.5 items per day, the length of time (# of days) the added to the "start time" (taken from feature release time) is

1,000 (items) x 5 (agents) x 3.5 (single agent work per day) + Buffer-days (gradual ramp)

We want to present different timelines in a graphic way - in granularity of Days/weeks/months (e.g: some of our attempts to use Jira-timeline-plan allowed were limited to monthly/quarterly granularity - not usable for us)

1. How to set up the "product board" and "Operational team execution board" in a way that can serve the above needs of gant/timeline tracking 
2. "
Operational team execution board" - how do I setup the equation calculate the overall time (based on the equation I explained above) 

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