Project key changing do not match documentation

Karim Belhadj December 20, 2018

Hello Team

I'm using jira server 7.13 , i'm preparing my certefication , so reviewing the documentation , i read this .
Links will work, whether they are inside Jira or from external sources. However, link aliases will not be updated — For example, if you have a link to an issue 'EXAMPLE-1' in the description of an issue, and you change the project key 'EXAMPLE' to 'DEMO', then the alias 'EXAMPLE-1' will not be updated to 'DEMO-1'. The link will still direct you to DEMO-1 though.
If you are using a gadget with a global filter, you will need to update the filter after the project is renamed.
But when i apply this example :
1: The link alias change in real time with the new project key .
2: The global filter in dashbord work correctly without changing it with the new project key .


I need to understand why the documentation do not match the application in jira .

I need help please.


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Bastian Stehmann
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December 20, 2018

Hi @Karim Belhadj,

Are you sure that you tested this with an link alias in the description of the issue.

Meaning [EXAMPLE-1|Link] does change to [DEMO-1|Link].

I have never seen this working. 

Try adding new issues and check if your global filter still work. I think,  they won't because Jira does the Old-To-New-Key-Mapping only for existing issues, not for new ones.

Karim Belhadj December 20, 2018

@Bastian Stehmann I added a new issue and my global filter still working correctly.


2. The same problem also with alias 


Really it look very very  weird

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